
Woodturning Design

SKU: GMCPGM-18459 Category:


Availability: In stock

In this inspiring book, Derek Hayes investigates the process and practice of design in woodturning. Design is rarely a priority for the beginner woodturner and most turners in their early work begin by concentrating on technique rather than shape or form, which can prove counter-productive. While aiming to instil confidence in appreciating, criticising and selecting sources of inspiration, Derek doesn’t tell you what is good or bad, but rather questions why we may find one turning attractive and another ugly. He looks closely at design elements, sketching, proportion, pattern, open forms, enclosed forms, the foot, the rim, using wood, decoration and colour; with instructive diagrams and photographs that will guide the reader to a better understanding of design. Readers are encouraged to question and fine-tune this understanding and experiment with ways of applying the approaches of other designers to their own work.

Weight 0.1 kg


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