3034DWT Overlocker

SKU: BRO3034DWTZU1 Category:
Sew seams, trim excess fabric and overlock raw edges with ease with the 3034DWT Overlocker. If you’re in search of an efficient, precise, easy-to-use, sturdy and yet portable overlocker, look no further.

£349.00 inc. VAT

This overlocker features 3 or 4 thread sew-and-cut overlock stitches, and a wide range of stitches for decorative purposes as well as for utility stitching.

It also offers an easy to-follow thread guide, and a F.A.S.T. lower looper threading system. Plus, its manual tension release and the “easy thread” left looper makes threading this overlocker as simple as it gets.

The 3034DWT’s free-arm to flatbed convertible sewing surface offers easy control when overlocking cuffs and sleeves, ensuring that getting the professional results you need is both hassle-free and fast.

Taken together, these expertly-designed features mean you can always expect fray-free, professional finishes for even the trickiest of narrow or rolled edges with the 3034DWT.

Weight 8 kg


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