Rare & Exotic Australian Grass Tree Roots for Woodturning

SKU: AGTR23I Category:
Grass Tree roots for woodturning

£94.50 inc. VAT

Australian Grass Tree Roots, also known as Xanthorrhoea roots, are highly sought-after by woodturners for their unique characteristics and aesthetic appeal. These roots are harvested from the base of the Xanthorrhoea genus of plants native to Australia. The roots are renowned for their intricate and irregular grain patterns, which can include beautiful swirls, knots, and color variations. When turned on a lathe, Australian Grass Tree Root blanks yield stunning finished pieces with a natural, rustic charm. Woodturners often use these blanks to create bowls, vases, and other decorative items, showcasing the natural beauty and rugged texture of the wood. Due to their limited availability and distinct appearance, Australian Grass Tree Root blanks are prized by woodturners and collectors alike.
Grass tree roots are easy to turn but very dusty! They make fantastic vases and hollow forms with a unique grain that polishes up beautifully


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